
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Yesterday's retrieval went pretty well. I was a little sore afterward and it hurt to walk around, but I made through and am feeling much better today, still a little soreness, but nothing I can't handle. I was worried about being put to sleep, but it was really no big deal. It just felt like I took a little nap. Dr. Storment said when they woke me I hoped off the operating table like I champ. I have no memory of that, when I got to the room I remember asking the nurse, "How did I get in this bed" haha. Dr. Storment said I was his star patient of the day:)

So the important part...
They were able to get 5 eggs (a little low for my age, but I was on different medicine than most, because I ovulated through the "normal"med they used, so that may be why. Of the 5 eggs, 4 were fully mature. They embryologist called today and said of the 4, 3 were fertilized and doing well. They will have a better idea tomorrow about how they are dividing. It was a little emotional of a phone call. Those embryos are my babies! One (or two) may actually end up being my child/children. It is a really strange feeling. It feels like I am attached to them already and if they don't make it, it will feel almost like losing a child or miscarrying. If you are reading this, please say a prayer for them.

Because there are only three, it will more than likely be a three day transfer, so they will be placed back on Thursday. That means Thursday and Friday I will be on bed rest. Not looking forward to it, but what ever it takes to keep those babies healthy!!

Here is a picture of me before the retrieval at the hospital (before the drugs, lol)...

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