
Thursday, January 19, 2012

4 years, 2 little lines

Prepare yourself, this blog will be LONG! I stopped blogging a while ago, because it was too painful, and Kenny and I decided we wanted to keep it all to ourselves. So, here is where I left off...
June 2011-We undergo our 2nd fresh IVF cycle. Things went perfectly. We transferred 3 really great looking embryos. Dr. Storment only wanted to transfer two because they looked so good, but said with our past failure, he would transfer three. Unfortunately, it did not work. We were happy, however, that we had two extra embryos make it to be thawed. We made plans to transfer them both asap.
November 2011-A year after our first IVF we prepared for our Frozen embryo transfer. We were hopeful, because like the last 3 embryos, these two looked really good. Despite our optimism we decided this would be our last attempt at IVF. It was hard both physically and emotionally. We decided to move on to adoption if it didn't work. November 20th, we had our negative blood test, we were not pregnant, and believed we would never be. I got my period a few days later on Thanksgiving day. We handled things ok, and started making plans for adoption. We looked in to some agencies, and started researching the process. Turns out, we wouldn't have much time to contemplate adoption.
My very next period, was late. This was my first cycle after the IVF so I figured my cycle was just a little irregular from the meds or something. I thought nothing of it. Kenny even joked about it a few times, and I shrugged him off.
By new years eve (4 years to the DAY that we decided to try for a baby), I was 10 days late. We planned to go out with friends. I had 1 test left over from the IVF. I figured well, let me take it before we go out, just to put my mind at ease. It was a digital test. I took the test, then went to make some soup. I walked in the bathroom and glanced at the test, and to my said "yes+". "WHAT!?!?" I still didn't believe it. I figured the darn thing was broken. So, I go to the drug store and buy two more tests, this time the ones with lines. They both immediately came up with two lines. By this time Kenny is getting home from work. I show him the tests, he looks like he doesn't believe it either. So we go back to the drug store for more tests. We got all different brands and kinds. We now have 5 positives!
I called my sister to ask her what would make all these tests positive (because I still wasn't buying it!) Her Nurse practitioner was working in the ER at Moss, so she calls him and asks if he will do a blood test. Yes, I went to the ER for a PREGNANCY TEST!! When they took my vitals my blood pressure was high and my pulse was 110! I was for sure on edge. They did a urine and blood test. The nurse practitioner poked his head in and said "the urine test is positive, now we're waiting for the results from the blood test." I STILL didn't believe it! I over heard him say the number outside of the room, but was like, that can't be my beta. He comes back in and tells my my beta is 3,426, which is right on track. I was really pregnant!!!! Honestly, I still had a hard time buying it (and really still to the day can't believe it). It is absolutely a miracle, no other explanation.
My first 5 positive pregnancy tests:)
Ok, as happy as I am, I have one rant...when we started talking about adoption, everyone told me "oh you'll get pregnant when you adopt". I really hated this. What a terrible reason to adopt a baby. We wanted to adopt for a family, not so I could experience pregnancy. Now that it happened people say, "see, you relaxed". I don't for one second think that when we chose adoption our bodies just magically started doing the right thing. Many people adopt, and never conceive, or do, but it takes years and years. This was our time. God had this baby picked out for us from the beginning. Even though we didn't know how it would happen he did. If someone had cancer would you tell them they are sick because they are stressing and just need a vacation? To me it is the same thing. We took 4 years to conceive because it was in the plans for us. Why? Not sure yet. We have learned a lot, and grown closer to each other and God. Over the past 4 years I have been faithful, angry, then faithful again. Each time I came back to God I felt a little closer to him. Is this the reason? I'll never know for sure, but he does:)
First Ultrasound taken 1/19/12, 8 weeks 0 days
If you look in the middle you can see a tiny little baby:)
Second Ultrasound, taken 1/23/12 8 weeks 4 days,
baby measured 8 weeks 2 days (normal for them to be off by a few days), and heart rate 165

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