
Friday, July 13, 2012

33 Weeks!

Yesterday I hit the 33 week mark!  Only 6 weeks and 6 days left until I finally get to hold my baby girl in my arms.  I am just so excited to finally see her.  She has been getting bigger and her kicks have gotten stronger.  I can usually feel baby parts sticking out, which is a little strange.  Her new thing is the hiccups.  She gets them about once a day.  It's so cute, and usually makes her start kicking like she's frustrated.  I've been feeling A LOT more uncomfortable the past couple weeks.  I have had a lot of pressure in my pelvic region, especially when I lay down, which makes sleeping not very pleasant.  I also itch really bad, mostly at night. 

I am still working on controlling my gestational diabetes with my diet and it's going really well.  It has been much lower the past couple weeks than it was before, and I'm so glad.  The diet is a bit of a challenge because I still crave things I can't have (I've been DYING for pancakes from KD's!!!).  But, it's all worth it to keep my baby girl safe and healthy.  If things keep going well with my blood sugar My doctor will let me make it to 40 weeks.  If something happens and I am no longer able to maintain it and have to go on medicine he will induce sometime between 38 and a half and 39 weeks. 

Last week was our first prepared childbirth class.  They teach you techniques to cope with the pain of labor.  We have three more.  After this weeks we will take a tour of the birthing center (I am giving birth at memorial hospital for women).  I'm kind of excited about that because it makes it feel like we're almost there!  I'm also taking a breastfeeding class this week. 

I'm also so excited the nursery is done!!  I had such a good time getting it ready and can't wait to see her in it!  It turned out really cute:)